The RIO Grand is state-of-the-art in fly line technology with
distinctive benefits for the trout fly fisher. The tip floats extremely high due
to RIO's proprietary manufacturing process, yet gives a smooth light delivery of
even the smallest dry fly. The weight forward taper features a slightly heavier
load to activate the faster modern fly rod, yet the rear taper is long enough
for roll casting. The line is the product of RIO's SlickShooter™ Process and incorporates a supple coldwater, super
slick, self-lubricating, dirt-resistant coating on a nylon multifilament core.
This is an excellent line for wet or dry fly fishing. RIO has included a welded
loop on the front end of the fly line to facilitate changing leaders. When
landing fish, the loop slides through the rod guides more easily than the customary
nail knot. Traditionalists can cut this loop off and not compromise the taper.
Length of entire line: For weights 3 to 5, line length is 90 ft (27.4 M);
for weights 6 to 9, line length is 100 ft (27.4 M)