Classes - 2020 Beginner & Intermediate
Saturday April 18, 2020 or Saturday May 30, 2020
8:30 am location: start at Anglers Lane move to site of instructor's choice (James R/Percivals Island park or local pond)

During COVID-19 days Wayne will be at least 6' away and will space all participants at least 6' away from each other.
FFF-certified casting Instructor Wayne Stinnette will be teaching this class for absolute beginners. The morning beginner class will introduce beginners to the sport of Fly Fishing. It includes but is not limited to the following
- equipment set-up
- basic knots
- different types of flies and their uses
- fly casting basics for superior line control
- roll casting (useful when trees hinger backcast)
- basic knots
Intermediate Class continues after beginner class with on-water instruction
- double haul used often in saltwater or distance situations
- advanced roll cast techniques
- how to improve casting loops (avoid tailing loops)
- overhead and side arm/curve casts
- pile cast, reach cast, double aerial mends

Repeat: During COVID-19 days Wayne will be at least 6' away and will space all participants at least 6' away from each other.
Location: Start at Anglers Lane. Proceed to water location of instructor's choice.
Classes vs Guided trips - Our classes focus on techniques of instruction vs catching fish. If you seek both in one outing, then you want to book a guided trip with us.